• https://cdipbd.org/public/uploads/2023/03/slider/ed-sir-slider-23-274.jpg
  • https://cdipbd.org/public/uploads/2021/01/slider/nature-study-002-457.jpg
  • https://cdipbd.org/public/uploads/2021/01/slider/health-slider-03-75.jpg
  • https://cdipbd.org/public/uploads/2021/02/slider/shikkhalok-cover-2-641.jpg
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  • https://cdipbd.org/public/uploads/2022/07/slider/education-web-banner02-621.png
  • https://cdipbd.org/public/uploads/2022/08/slider/cdip-lib-banner-72.png
  • Founder ED's Speech


    At the Centre for Development Innovation and Practices (CDIP) we strive to continuously bring in innovative programs that will positively contribute to the development of disadvantaged populace in the Read more

We proudly utter our name Centre for Development Innovation and Practices (CDIP). We enhance the development zeal of our mass people, CDIP inaugurated its development and innovative initiatives in 1995 from Kuti, a remote village under Brahmanbaria district. Our vision was to be a trend setter for innovation and change for sustainable human development by economically empowering women. Starting from providing credit facilities, CDIP has integrated its main program with a number of social services such as education support program for the rural children, health support program  as well as social commodities to improve the standard of underprivileged mass life. 

Today, the organization is supporting almost 2,46,951 families with microcredit and micro enterprise loans. In this regard CDIP disbursed 1400.485 crores BTD up to March 2023. CDIPs Education Support Program is serving about 57,661 disadvantaged children , whose parents are mostly illiterate and these children are “first generation learners”. About 2790 rural community teachers provide 2 hours teaching support at their rural homesteads in 28 districts of Bangladesh. The Health Support Program is provided through our Health Care Team lead by one MBBS doctor and assisted by another MMBS doctor.123 SACMOs and 287 Health volunteers are working in this team through-out CDIP’s working areas.


  • Facilitate credit and savings services available to the marginal poor people and micro-entrepreneurs so that they may improve their social and economic conditions.
  • Provide various development support for the poor and disadvantaged people to lead a better life.
  • Strengthen the capacity of the poor and disadvantaged rural households for sustainable development of their livelihood.
  • Introduce and implement new ideas and initiatives aiming to benefit the disadvantaged people of the society.
  • Improve the quality of life of rural communities through the distribution of social commodities.
  • Arrest primary school drop outs through a Rural Primary Education Support Program.
  • Establish Primary Health Care services for the rural communities within its operational zones.


Our Vision is to be the Trend-setter of innovation and change for sustainable human development.


Our Mission is to provide environmentally sustainable innovative development services and goods for empowering the excluded and the disadvantaged in order to integrate them in the mainstream of the society in Bangladesh and beyond along with supporting and empowering micro and small entrepreneurs in our overall development endeavors.

Our being is being for others and for ourselves.